Housing Stabilization Services

Housing Consultation

Covered Services:

  • Assisting the person to access documentation required for Housing Stabilization Services eligibility
  • Developing a Housing Focused Person-Centered Plan based on assessment outcomes
  • Supporting the person in identifying their strengths, needs and wants in housing including cultural requirements and/or preferences
  • Supporting the person to make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining provider
  • Offering resource information for services that support non-housing related goals as identified in the person-centered planning process
  • Coordinating with other service providers currently working with the person
  • Helping the person understand their rights to privacy and appeal information
  • Annually updating the person-centered plan as it relates to housing
  • Developing a housing transition plan
  • Applying for benefits to afford your housing
  • Finding a suitable home through the search and application process
  • Tenant screening and housing assessments

Housing Transition Service

  • Transportation to discuss housing options with you
  • Budgeting and lease paperwork
  • Understanding and negotiating a lease
  • Building relationships with prospective landlords
  • Promoting cultural needs with landlords and property managers
  • Finding funding for deposits
  • Organizing your move
  • Researching and contacting housing options
  • Identifying resources for deposits, home goods, and moving expenses
  • Completing housing applications (with your permission)
  • Expunging records or accessing reasonable accommodations (if applicable)
  • Connecting you with services and benefits to support housing stability
  • Ensuring a safe and ready move-in to your new home

Housing Sustaining Service

  • Supports a person to maintain living in their own home in the community by:
  • Prevention and early identification of behaviors that may jeopardize continued housing
  • Assistance with the housing recertification processes
  • Training on being a good tenant, lease compliance, and household management
  • Supporting the person to understand and maintain income and benefits to retain housing
  • Supporting the building of natural housing supports and resources in the community
  • Housing sustaining services do not cover room and board

Work with me

Send me a message to discuss your needs. I always reply within 24 hours.